Wednesday 28 April 2010 not Resistance 3?

A recent article over at System Link made an interesting theory that the viral site gknova6 may in fact be related to an upcoming Resistance title instead of the heavily believed Call of Duty 7: this may not be the case.

It is a nice guess until further digging into the registrar information reveals that the original assumption of Call of Duty 7 may indeed be the correct one.

The registrar information for gknova6 reveals the registrar to be It comes as no surprise that the exact same registrar belongs to Treyarch's official home page.

The registrar for Insomniac's official home page is, which happens to be the same registrar for all four viral websites related to Resistance 2.

While we will only officially know until the viral website reveals the game ultimately being marketed, it is a strong assumption that Resistance 3 is by no means related to gknova6: but I suppose you never know.


Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you? motherfucker n4G fanboy blogger son of a bitch :)

Anonymous said...

Shut up OTHER ME!!!